Lead Testing

19.03.24 04:23 PM Comment(s) By Patricia Kovacich

Keeping Up With Lead Testing

Lead and other heavy metals that are unsafe for human consumption can be found in many water sources. Analytical testing is required to find out if the contamination is present and needs remediation.


What are the worries for Lead contamination?  

There is no safe level of lead contamination for humans, especially children. Many states have specific requirements for lead testing (and other heavy metals) to show there is no contamination in the local water source or associated piping. Testing for lead can show whether or not this contaminant is present in your drinking water. Adverse effects can include brain and neurological development issues, behavioral problems, reproductive and renal complications, and impaired growth. 



What systems do I need to test for Lead contamination? 

Any source of water intended for human consumption should be tested. This will include fountains, sinks, ice machines, showers and any other fixtures producing water for human or animal use. 

How does Lead contamination occur? 

Most commonly, lead is present to some degree in old piping systems. As these systems corrode, lead can leach into the water that is then consumed by humans. However, lead is also naturally occurring and can be present due to environmental causes.


How often is lead testing needed? 

State laws will vary and should be consulted for direct answers for your organization. However, it is common to require testing every 5 years if contamination is not detected.


What is the remediation process for Lead contamination? 

Remediation includes decreasing lead concentrations below 5 parts per billion, using methods such as replacement of plumbing, solder, fittings or fixtures, installation of filters and filter devices, or other effective methods. Flushing as a standalone action shall not be considered remediation.

As your trusted source for water treatment we make sure our services are cover all of your needs. We offer Lead and other analytical testing to make your path to success seamless. We make sure your needs are covered from beginning to end with reliable results.


Talk With An Expert at Jaytech Today & Schedule Your Lead Testing

Fast, Accurate, Easy

Our in house lab was built with your water treatment needs in mind. One more reason working with Jaytech is easy.

Patricia Kovacich

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